Tribulation Period 03

The Sounding Of The Trumpets – Are You Ready?

In I Corinthians 15:51-52, the Apostle Paul speaks a mystery:  “at the last trump; for the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed.”

For speculation,are there trumpets, which have already sounded before the last trump?

In I Thessalonians 4:16-18, the Apostle Paul writes, “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God:  and the dead in Christ shall rise first:  Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air:  and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  Wherefore comfort one another with these words.”
In Revelation 8:1, seven Angels are given seven trumpets. Each trumpet announces the beginning of certain events which can be for a “worldwide” or “local” area. They can be for events on the surface of the earth, in the oceans, in the atmosphere or in the spiritual world.
8:7 – 1st trumpet – volcanic activity begins on the earth destroying one third of the trees and all the green grass surrounding the volcano.

8:8-9 – 2nd trumpet – volcanic activity begins in the oceans killing one third of sea life and producing worldwide tsunami waves, which destroy a third of the ships in port.

8:10-11 – 3rd trumpet –a great comet strikes the earth, melts and is absorbed into the hydrological cycle, producing hydrocyanic acid, poisoning one third of the earth’s water supply, proceeded by a meteor storm as the comet begins its atmospheric entrance.

8:12 – 4th trumpet – a dramatic increase in worldwide volcanic activity, creates a dust haze over a third of the earth.

9:1-12 – 5th trumpet – a massive chain of worldwide volcanic eruptions and releasing of demonic beings from the earth’s interior, which torment lost humanity for five months.

9:13-21 – 6th trumpet – release of four demonic kings, which lead approximately 200 million demons to kill a third of the human population with fire, smoke and an intense sulfurous suffocating odor.

11:15-19 – 7th trumpet – announces the time of the judging of the dead and to give rewards to saved souls in the presence of Jesus Christ in the spiritual kingdom, understood as the Rapture and the occurrence of an earthquake and great volcanic hail upon the earth.

The Wrath Of God

The Apostle John explains the wrath of God in a picture of catastrophic terror and horrors coming upon the earth because of the wickedness of humanity and in order to make necessary changes in the geological structure in the land of Israel.  This period of the wrath of God lasts only for 45 days.These events occur after the Rapture of the Saved from the earth. They are a continuation and an increase of intensity of the seven trumpets which have just been completed.  The entire text is found in Revelation 16:1-21.

16:2 – 1st plague – a shift in the magnetic field of the earth, from the earthquakes, leaving the earth temporarily without its protective shield, resulting in cosmic radiation mutilating the human flesh of those who worship the beast or antichrist.

16:3 – 2nd plague – the heating of the oceans by undersea lava causing the reproduction of various dinoflagellates at a fantastic rate, producing oxidation and red tide, respectively.

16:4-7 – 3rd plague –a poisoning of the earth’s freshwater supply by a comets release of methyl cyanide, hydrogen cyanide and a whole range of cyanogenic poisonous gases into the hydrological cycle.

16:8-9 – 4th plague – destruction of the ozone layer by volcanic activity, allowing penetration of ultraviolet radiation causing a burning skin cancer.

16:10-11 – 5th plague – a massive pyroclastic holocaust from volcanic lava upon wicked humanity.

16:12-16 – 6th plague –the releasing of three evil spirits, causing people to worship the antichrist and to gather for the battle of Armageddon, including the diversion of the Euphrates River towards the Jordan River valley.

16:17-21 – 7th plague – the greatest earthquake to ever have occurred since humanity has been on earth will take place in the Jordan river valley, causing the city of Jerusalem to split into three sections and producing a chain reaction of earthquakes, which will cause the cities of the nations of the world to fall into ruin, ending with catastrophic global volcanic activity, developing a single dust cloud encircling the entire planet earth.